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Staff Opportunities

Staff are eligible to undertake a staff training placement in another institution or appropriate organisation abroad.

All College and University Centre employed academic and administrative / support staff are eligible to undertake a staff training placement in another institution or appropriate organisation abroad.

The Erasmus+ programme is the European Union’s (EU) funding programme for education and training, youth, and sport. It is the largest programme worldwide to promote student and staff mobility for study and work placements. Doncaster College has participated in the Erasmus programme since 2009 with Doncaster College joining the programme following the merger of the two colleges to form the DN Colleges Group in November 2017.

The overall programme objectives are to:

  • Boost skills and employability
  • Modernise education, training, and youth work
  • Improve opportunities for young people

This activity supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff as well as the development of involved institutions. It may take the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing / observation periods / training at a partner institution, or at another relevant organisation abroad.

The Programme is provided with funding from the European Commission via the British Council, who are the UK’s National Agency.

International Staff Handbook 2022

All applications for Erasmus+ teaching or training placements must be submitted in advance of visits taking place. We will not be able to fund or consider any retrospective applications.

If you have established that you fulfil the requirements outlined above and are therefore eligible to take part in any of the programmes, please note the following key facts:

  • A Teaching placement abroad has a requirement of a minimum of 8 hours teaching per week or part of the week. If teaching hours are less than this, then we will not be able to fund your visit.
  • A placement abroad (whether training or teaching) needs to fulfil a minimum duration requirement of 2 days and a maximum duration requirement of 2 months (NB our current contract allows for a maximum 5 days only).

All documentation needs to be in place before a staff member can go abroad under the Erasmus+ scheme. This also needs to be signed off by your line manager or director. If the documentation is not completed prior to departure, then funding for the period abroad cannot be given.

All required documentation is available to download from the Staff Development intranet.

Upon returning from a period abroad a staff member will receive an automatic email inviting them to complete a survey for the European Commission. This survey must be completed as a requirement of Erasmus funding.

Application Form for Staff